An Elf and a half- ogre entered the tavern, it had been a long day and they needed the rest, catapulted from their plane to a strange place like Sigil wasn't easy to handle,a lot of new and strange things lurked in every corner, but a tavern is a tavern anywhere.They pulled their chairs and sat in a round wooden table while tasting their drinks, Suddenly the Elf, being flightly, and cheerful as he was started the conversation:
- "My brute friend,i would like to know your thoughts on this: life is the pursuit of happiness,cause without happiness nothing else matters, that's the best way to view things, don't you think?"
The half-ogre, being scarred as he was, both from his sinful origin, and the way life treated him, said:
-"Nay, my faerie friend, life is the pursuit of purpose, for without purpose ,there can be no happiness in this world"
A tiefling that was dining alone in his table overheard their conversation and stepped in:
"Sorry, berks, but you got it all wrong,you must be primes, life is a neverending spiral of nothing, leading to the great void, and we all will live our sorry lives just to see we acomplished nothing at the end"
They both looked to the strange half-fiend and then stared at each other. I can swear to you that right after that, a modron, those weird things from the lawful planes, entered their conversation, and was starting to explain life as a binary code, that was too much for me, so i came back to the blood wars, where life and it's meaning didn't matter as much as staying alive.